Student loan forgiveness programs can be a relief to those who know they won’t be able to pay what they owe any time soon. Understandably, unexpected life events can leave one short of fulfilling their loan repayment obligations. It’s the very reason the federal government offers this form of aid. However, many people don’t know to go after it because they don’t know if these programs count under the servicer Nelnet.
The truth is that there are several options available for you to get forgiveness if you have a loan serviced by Nelnet. Here are some of the most popular ones:
Public Service Loan Forgiveness
Those who’ve used their talents to serve the government can qualify for forgiveness if they’ve fulfilled the requirements. You’ll have to complete at least 120 qualifying payments while being a full-time employee. Your job must be considered a public service job, including jobs with the government, nonprofits, and eligible religious organizations.
An extension of the PSLF is the Temporary Expanded version or TEPSLF. If you weren’t eligible for PSLF due to some of your payments being eligible, you may qualify. However, it is not guaranteed. The government offers TEPSLF depending on if the program has funding. It is also on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Teacher Loan Forgiveness
Teachers who have worked full time for at least five consecutive and complete academic years may qualify for forgiveness. The government can remove up to $17,500 from the loan principal. However, it should be under a qualifying school or educational institution to qualify. The school must also be under the service of low-income families.
There are exceptions, such as those who received forgiveness after getting affected by hurricanes in the area. However, you’ll have to check the Student Aid website to see if you’re eligible.
Other Forms
Aside from the standard student loan forgiveness programs, there are other ways that your loan may be nullified. It all depends on the circumstance. Here are some of the most common reasons:
- Bankruptcy: A bankruptcy does not remove your student loan, but it can stop collection for the time being. However, be wary that the interest may continue to build up during this period.
- Repayment: Nelnet offers several repayment options. If you have a federal loan, you may be able to enter into a similar program offered by the government.
- False Certification: If the school falsely certified a loan, it can lead to a discharge. It can happen if there is an unauthorized signature or payment for the loan. Some other statuses may also lead to disqualification.
- Closed School: If the school closed while you were a student there, you could be eligible for a discharge. Nelnet usually automatically sends an application form once they discover a closure.
Check the Requirements
There are many paths towards student loan forgiveness, but they require scrutiny. You need to fulfill all the requirements to gain consideration. If not, you may want to consider a loan consolidation or a repayment plan to help ease the pressure. Nelnet offers many options, so it’s good to ask them or check your options on their website.