Many college graduates remain bogged down by student loans. Some of them may have become professionals, built homes, and started families, but are still stuck paying off debt from college. If you’re still currently paying off your student loans, and maybe will be for the next decade, it's vital that you know about the essential details of your loans.
One such detail is your student loan account number. Keep reading to learn the different ways of how to find your student loan account number for tracking your student debt.
Why Is It Important To Know Your Student Loan Account Number?
Student debt is something that plagues so many students and graduates throughout America. In fact, statistics show that 43.2 million Americans are in student loan debt right now, with an average debt amount of $39,351 per person. Student loan debt is also the second most common form of consumer debt after mortgages. In the United States, student loan debt outnumbers all vehicle loans and credit card debt.
Many people consider a student loan to be a long-term commitment. It's just as important as paying rent, mortgages, or car loans. If you're about to embark on or are currently in the process of a decades-long path of monthly student loan payments, you'll need to know where to look for details of your student loan account. Knowing your student loan account number is the only foolproof way to keep up with your loans.
You’ll need your student loan account number when you:
- Fill out most loan-related forms and applications.
- Make a payment over the phone, with a check, or with a money order.
- Contact a representative from customer support.
How To Find Your Student Loan Account Number
Your 10-digit account number will be assigned to you when you apply for a student loan. It won't take long to figure out what it is. You can get your student loan account number in a few different ways:
Official Letter
You'll receive an official letter outlining your impending student loan and potential repayment processes after your request for financial assistance has been accepted. In such letter, your student account number should be emphasized, boldfaced, or easily visible.
Billing Statements
You'll receive monthly official billing statements for your student loan payments. On your billing statement, your account number will be visibly stated as "account number." Just like billing statements from other service providers and lenders, the top of the document should clearly show your account number.
Customer Service
The contact details of your lender will most likely be included on your student loan billing statement. A mailing address, an official email address, and a customer care number are all examples of contact details. By contacting a customer service agent, they will be able to help you check your account number. They might also ask for your personal information, such as your social security number, address, and other identifying details, so prepare them in advance.
Online Account
You can start repaying your student loan using an online account if you don't want to receive a physical copy. Your lender will send you the necessary information, including how to log in and register, electronically or through the mail. You should be able to view your student loan account number once you log into your online account through prompts, the online dashboard, or your profile.
Financial Aid Office
The financial aid office at the college or university you attended probably received the payments for student loans from your lender. You can inquire about your account at the financial aid office, so make an appointment with them to get information on where to look for your student loan account number.
Conclusion: How To Find Student Loan Account Number
Knowing your student loan account number is the first step to paying off your student debt. Finding out what it is can be done in a few simple ways: checking the official letter, reviewing billing statements, contacting customer service, through your online account, and asking your school's financial aid office. Have a surefire way to stay on top of your loan payments by getting to know your student loan account number!